Tag Archive: #reflection

Fidelity Yields Peace

Posted on October 3, 2023
One of the greatest fruits produced from a life lived in fidelity to Christ Jesus and the teachings of the Catholic Church is peace. If peace is lacking in our lives as Catholics, in our societies, in the Church, and [read more...]

My Conversion Story

Posted on September 27, 2023
How do you know you’ve had an encounter with God? Sometimes it’s hard to tell, especially if you were raised in the Faith. Fr. Mike shares his own conversion story, and encourages us to think of a time or a [read more...]

Your Spiritual Life?

Posted on September 26, 2023
This Sunday’s Gospel reminds us that good intentions are not enough to get us to heaven. Following Christ and leading a truly spiritual life takes discipline, effort, and perseverance. We cannot simply say “I believe in God” and expect to [read more...]

The Greatest Gift

Posted on September 19, 2023
It is tempting to think like the laborers in Sunday’s Gospel that God is more generous with others than with me. This temptation arises when we desire the wrong thing: what God gives instead of God Himself. What the laborers [read more...]

A Longing for More…

Posted on September 15, 2023
“What are you waiting for, you know you are called to do something great.” When he heard this, Fr. Mark Toups decided to enter the seminary. But that wasn’t the first time he heard the call. While growing up in [read more...]

Peace Through Forgiveness

Posted on September 12, 2023
Then Peter came up and said to him, “Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? As many as seven times?” Jesus said to him, “I do not say to you seven times, but seventy [read more...]

Did God Create Aliens?

Posted on September 5, 2023
Do aliens from outer space really exist? Did God create them? Are they intelligent? What does that mean for our faith? In this video, Fr. Mike’s answer might not be what you’re looking for, but… it’s the truth.

Loving Correction

Posted on September 5, 2023
When we consider God’s law, we discover that along with God’s justice, there is something more: Love. St. Paul writes: “Love is the fulfillment of the law.” Jesus’ life is the fulfillment of the Law because He paid the sacrificial [read more...]

The Cost of Love

Posted on August 30, 2023
Your life probably wouldn’t have so many rules. You wouldn’t be as guilty for any sins you commit (you wouldn’t even know they were sins in the first place). You wouldn’t need to evangelize. And you wouldn’t know that the [read more...]

Carrying Our Crosses

Posted on August 29, 2023
As Jesus tells us in today’s Gospel: in order to have a deep spiritual life, we must deny ourselves, take up our cross, and follow Jesus. The prophet Jeremiah in the first reading proves it. Jeremiah had a gentle nature. [read more...]