Tag Archive: #reflection

Should Christians Believe in Karma?

Posted on September 14, 2021
Is Karma good? No. However, GRACE is! You have a loving God who wants to pour his love, mercy, and grace into your life. Let him. Watch the video below to learn more. Source: Real Life Catholic  

Living With Childlike Faith

Posted on September 14, 2021
25th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year B In the Gospel Jesus tells us that we should be like children. What does it means to be like a child in the 21st century? It means to look at the world [read more...]

Satan Does Exist

Posted on September 7, 2021
24th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year B Satan does exist. One need only speak to a Catholic exorcist or sit in a confessional hearing confessions for a few hours to know that the devil and demons are real. And, [read more...]

Seeing Through God’s Eyes

Posted on August 31, 2021
23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year B St. Thomas Aquinas once said: “Omnia quasi oculo Dei intuemur . . .” This means, “Everything as if through His eyes.” In other words, we should see and evaluate everything as if [read more...]

Does God Care About “Self-Care”?

Posted on August 31, 2021
Do you prioritize self-care like it’s urgent and important? Or are the people you love only getting the most burnt-out version of you? You know, your basic needs are a priority to God—they need to be a priority to YOU, [read more...]

Greatest Commandment?

Posted on August 20, 2021
The Pharisees tested Jesus with the following question: “Which commandment in the law is the greatest?” Jesus masterfully replied by distilling the Ten Commandments (not to mention the countless pages of doctrine, rules and regulations man has subsequently created through [read more...]

Reflection: The God of Choices

Posted on August 17, 2021
Simon Peter answered him, “Master, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. We have come to believe and are convinced that you are the Holy One of God.” If you have ever read a book [read more...]