Tag Archive: #deacondon

OLW Making a Difference in East Africa

Posted on July 16, 2024
Our Lady of the Wayside student council and sponsor/Spanish teacher Joe Nigliazzo rallied before Summer break to do missionary work for Uganda, East Africa. Using funds raised in the “Change for Change” student council campaign, students and parents in the [read more...]

OLW’s Deacon Don, In the News

Posted on January 30, 2024
Our Lady of the Wayside’s Deacon Don Grossnickle was recently featured in a Daily Herald article, “Suburban charity calls on churches this Lenten season to help fund clinic farms in Uganda.” The article highlighted Deacon Don’s MicroFinance Alliance Africa Projects [read more...]

Peering Into Eyes Calling For Help

Posted on June 13, 2022
From time to time deacons receive well-deserved but unsolicited accolades from admirers appreciating uncompensated small and big acts of selflessness. Often at a loss for words to respond, a humble smile might be a very common response. Pressed further, the [read more...]

Deacon Don Heading Back to Uganda

Posted on March 7, 2022
In 2017, 25 local Northwest suburban friends based in Our Lady of the Wayside Parish chipped in $500 to purchase and donate a laboratory microscope to St. Jude Clinic, a financially struggling medical clinic based in a small village in [read more...]

Where In The World is Deacon Don?

Posted on December 7, 2021
Advent Message from Kasese Uganda East Africa After 34 years as a full-time Deacon at Our Lady of the Wayside, another ministry has been keeping me quite busy these days. I am surprised that, at this late stage of my [read more...]

Faith in Action: Deacon Don Update

Posted on May 14, 2021
This just in from Our Lady of the Wayside’s Deacon Don Grossnickle: So glad to share news of my MAAPF friend Pavan. Pavan and I and MAAPF worked to support his research fighting deadly malaria. He needed a microscope and I [read more...]

Deacon Don Discusses Depression, New Book, “My Maja”

Posted on October 29, 2020
While he was growing up in Chicago, Deacon Don Grossnickle loved visiting his grandmother Maja, an immigrant from Sweden, and listening to her stories about her home country’s “enchanting winters, the Christmases, the sleighs, the horses, the beautiful lakes,” he [read more...]