Tag Archive: #reflection

The Kingdom of God is in Our Midst

Posted on July 27, 2022
We often hear news reports about bad behavior on airplanes, about people who become unruly and irritable, making demands on the cabin crew and inconveniencing the rest of the passengers by delaying the flight or just making the trip unpleasant. [read more...]

Laughing at Death?

Posted on July 26, 2022
Death. How’s that for starting out on a bright note? Seriously though. For something so certain and absolutely going to happen, it’s strange we don’t consider and talk about this subject more. The Bible reminds us, ‘Teach us to number [read more...]

Encountering Jesus

Posted on July 26, 2022
At dinner the other night, I recounted the experience of my visit to a poor parish community in Venezuela in 2006. On this one day, the hosts knew that the American visitors were coming, and they splurged on us with [read more...]

Why It’s Important to Laugh at Yourself

Posted on July 26, 2022
Do you take yourself too seriously? Are you unwilling to acknowledge your faults and weaknesses to others- or even to yourself? In this video, Fr. Mike shares some lessons in humility and being willing to laugh at yourself.

Pray About It? Or Just Do It?

Posted on July 18, 2022
Pray about it? Or just do it? Fr. Mike breaks down the Benedictine charism of prayer AND work and offers us some food for thought when tempted to fall into fatalism or quietism and remove our will from the equation.

Abraham Drew Nearer

Posted on July 18, 2022
I’m from the Midwest. My parents and grandparents were all born, raised, and lived their lives in the Midwest. There is a pathological politeness that has worked its way into our genetic code and the thought of inconveniencing another person [read more...]

This Teaching is Worth Dying For

Posted on July 13, 2022
Fr. Mike reminds us of the gift of the Eucharist and shares the way it transformed his own life. It is the heart of our faith, our spiritual nourishment, the bread that we live for, and the teaching worth dying [read more...]

Distracted Visits With Jesus

Posted on July 12, 2022
Martha, busy serving and fretting, loses sight of just who this special guest is that has come to her home to dine. There is a subtle connection between this week’s Gospel story and the Eucharist. We can come to Mass so busy [read more...]

Featured Podcast: Who am I to Judge?

Posted on July 12, 2022
What is “right” and “wrong”? Is what’s right for you right for me? Dr. Edward Sri explores the fragility of the relativist outlook and the importance of absolute truth. If you haven’t yet registered for FORMED, you must first do [read more...]