Tag Archive: #ourladyofthewayside

Your Spiritual Life?

Posted on September 26, 2023
This Sunday’s Gospel reminds us that good intentions are not enough to get us to heaven. Following Christ and leading a truly spiritual life takes discipline, effort, and perseverance. We cannot simply say “I believe in God” and expect to [read more...]

Welcome to Respect Life Month!

Posted on September 26, 2023
October is the month of Our Lady but also when we celebrate the joy and dignity of every human life. This year’s theme from the USCCB is Radical Solidarity. Join us for a month of prolife events and look for [read more...]

Mission Accomplished… We Got Our OOMPAH On!

Posted on September 26, 2023
What a night! By all accounts, the OLW Celebrate 70! Oktoberfest was a huge success. The weather was absolutely perfect. The food was delicious, the beer was cold and refreshing, the two bands (Die Kellerknaben Polka Band followed by The [read more...]

And We Have a Winner!

Posted on September 25, 2023
Congratulations to long-time OLW parishioners, Rosalie (and Robert) Crabbe. They were the big winners of the OLW Celebrate 70! 50/50 Split the Pot Raffle. Thanks to the generosity of parishioners and guests, we raised a total of $15,000. Half goes [read more...]

The Holy Spirit Checks in to Celebrate 70!

Posted on September 22, 2023
This spectacular double rainbow photo was taken earlier this week by Mike Walsh, whose daughter is a student of our religious education program (REP) at Wayside. Perhaps this is the Holy Spirit’s way of checking in to #Celebrate70 with us? [read more...]

OLW Welcomes its Newest Members at Easter Vigil

Posted on April 11, 2023
At last Saturday’s Easter Vigil Mass at 7:30 pm — a beautifully rich, spiritually uplifting, and incredibly joyous tradition — Our Lady of the Wayside’s Faith Community welcomed its newest members as they received the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and [read more...]

Celebrate 70 Fun Fact

Posted on February 21, 2023
DID YOU KNOW… The icon of Our Lady of the Wayside that graces our Church was painted by a distinguished Italian artist in Rome in 1953. The figures of the Virgin and Child appear as they must have been seen [read more...]