Tag Archive: #olwparish

Posted on December 24, 2021
Fathers Arthur, Dominic, Dan and Mark, our Deacons, and the Our Lady of the Wayside Staff extend their warmest wishes for a blessed, joyous, peaceful and healthy Christmas.

[COVID] Christmas Program: Encore! Encore!!

Posted on December 22, 2021
In the spirit of sharing the joy (again), we thought you might enjoy an Encore Performance of last year’s [COVID] Christmas Program. The talent who lovingly brought joy to those “sheltering in place” deserve a second look, right? Encore Encore!! [read more...]

Christmas eGiving at OLW

Posted on December 21, 2021
The Christmas Collection is Our Lady of the Wayside’s largest of the year, and is vitally important to funding the daily operations of our parish. Please be as generous as you can. To give electronically, click this link: https://www.givecentral.org/location/120/event/1457 or [read more...]

COVID 19 Guidelines for Christmas Masses at OLW

Posted on December 21, 2021
With the Omicron variant of COVID 19 spiking across the nation, professional sports teams missing games, and venues like the Rockettes and Second City canceling performances, we remain hopeful that the State of Illinois and the Archdiocese of Chicago will [read more...]

We Honor and Remember Loved Ones This Christmas

Posted on December 21, 2021
We thank all who contributed to the Christmas Flowers Fund this Christmas and we honor and remember your loved ones. In Honor Of… Cardinal Blase J. Cupich Archdiocese of Chicago Francis Cardinal George Archbishop Emeritus Rev. Arthur Marat Pastor of [read more...]