
Featured Video: Paul the Apostle

Posted on June 20, 2022
This week we celebrate the Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul, each of whom spread the Gospel to the nations in the earliest days of the Church. In honor of Paul, the Apostle of the Gentiles, enjoy this film from [read more...]

The Eucharist

Posted on June 15, 2022
In this incredibly POWERFUL video, Fr. Mike Schmitz talks about the True Presence of Christ in the Eucharist, and shares a heart-wrenching story about the faith of a 12-year-old girl in Communist China that you won’t want to miss!

Body & Blood of Christ

Posted on June 14, 2022
The Solemnity of Corpus Christi – Year C This Sunday the Church celebrates the Solemnity of Corpus Christi – the Most Holy Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. The Eucharist is an expression of Christ’s unfathomable love for us. His [read more...]

Farewell From Father Dominic

Posted on June 14, 2022
Dear Fr. Arthur and my Our Lady of Wayside Family, Throughout the past twelve months, you have invited me to travel alongside you on the journey of Faith. Together we traveled, filled with love and a generous grace. I will [read more...]

Peering Into Eyes Calling For Help

Posted on June 13, 2022
From time to time deacons receive well-deserved but unsolicited accolades from admirers appreciating uncompensated small and big acts of selflessness. Often at a loss for words to respond, a humble smile might be a very common response. Pressed further, the [read more...]

Lucifer, The Trinity, and Leisurely Sundays

Posted on June 8, 2022
Fr. Mike Schmitz tackles several tough questions from his audience, like “Who became the new light-bearer after Lucifer fell?” and “How do we make Sunday a time of rest amidst our busy schedules?” If you ever wondered about these things, [read more...]

An Exchange of Divine Love

Posted on June 7, 2022
The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity – Year C One day, as St. Augustine walked along the seashore deep in thought in an effort to understand the mystery of the Holy Trinity, he saw a little child running back [read more...]