
Host a Baby Shower for a Women’s Center

Posted on October 5, 2021
October is Respect Life Month! In addition to praying for the end to abortion this month, please consider helping The Women’s Center in our mission to save babies and moms by hosting a Baby Shower for ALL NEW clothing or [read more...]

Reminder: St. Marks Food Collection, October 10th

Posted on October 5, 2021
On Sunday, October 10th we will have our monthly food drive for St. Mark’s Parish. Last July, St. Mark’s was consolidated with three other parishes who were not receiving food donations from sharing parishes. We continue to collect and deliver [read more...]

Signs Your Relationship May be Unhealthy

Posted on October 4, 2021
Frequent arguments over spending habits. Jealous comments about the attractive co-worker at your boyfriend’s office. These things may come up so often in your relationship that you consider them normal. But a healthy relationship makes you feel good and is [read more...]

Meet Baby Olivia

Posted on October 3, 2021
As we reflect on today being Respect Life Sunday, and the incredible miracle of life, we share this amazing video of Baby Olivia. From a single-celled human to a baby with a beating heart, brainwaves, fingers, and toes, Baby Olivia [read more...]

Respect Life Sunday

Posted on October 2, 2021
Today we contemplate the beauty and sanctity of all human life — God’s most precious gift — and pray for its protection, from conception until natural death.

October is Respect Life Month

Posted on October 1, 2021
October is Respect Life Month.  As Catholics, we join together and pray for all life, from it’s precious beginning in the womb until the time when we are called home to our Creator. Father and maker of all, you adorn [read more...]

Centennial Holy Hours for Vocations

Posted on October 1, 2021
Parishes across Chicago and neighboring dioceses are celebrating our centennial by hosting a holy hour for vocations. You are invited to join us at these parishes to pray in adoration with the historic monstrance that was used at the 1926 [read more...]

Our Readiness to Change

Posted on September 28, 2021
27th Sunday in Ordinary Time — Year B We are created in the image and likeness of God, and God entrusted us with the gift of responsibility for creation. We have the power to either build or destroy. We have [read more...]

FLU Shots at OLW, Come and Get ‘Em!

Posted on September 28, 2021
OUR LADY OF THE WAYSIDE WILL BE GIVING FLU SHOTS When: Saturday, October 2 & Sunday, October 3 Where: Gathering Place Time: Before and after the 5 pm, 7:30, 9:30 and 11:30 am, and 6 pm masses How old do [read more...]

REP Update: Weeks of October 4 and 11

Posted on September 28, 2021
Here is the REP Schedule for the Weeks of October 4 and October 11, 2021 Tuesday, October 5, 4:00 p.m. 1st through 4th grade classes meet Tuesday, October 5, 7:00 p.m. 7th and 8th grade classes meet Sunday, October 10, TBA [read more...]