Author Archives for Sean Reilly

Ways to Help Make OLW’s Gala a HUGE Success

Posted on January 24, 2022
The 33rd Annual Gala is right around the corner!  Every year our community comes together to support our largest fundraiser building both financial support for the school and a stronger community for our parish. We are only successful because of YOU! Check out [read more...]

Men’s Weekend Retreat: Habits of Holiness

Posted on January 22, 2022
Develop new habits of the heart and walk more closely with Jesus. You’re invited to join Fr. Dan Hartnett, SJ, at the Bellarmine Jesuit Retreat House for “Habits of Holiness,” a Men’s Weekend Retreat, from January 28-30, 2022. Bellarmine Jesuit Retreat House is located [read more...]

Example: Square Facebook Posts on Computer Screens

Posted on January 19, 2022
Below are two examples of how Facebook automatically displays square (1200 x 1200), rather than landscape (1200 x 630) images on computer screens.  Note how Facebook “floats” the image in the center of the post, and automatically assigns a color [read more...]

Image Sizes for Web & Social Media

Posted on January 19, 2022
Unfortunately, social media channels (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn) don’t always “play nice” with each other.  Photo/image sizes differ between the three so, when you create images, you need to design in multiple sizes so they appear correctly on each channel.  Images [read more...]