Tag Archive: #reflection

Humble Humor

Posted on August 23, 2022
22nd Sunday of Ordinary Time, Year C In Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus teaches His apostles to be modest and humble: “For every one who exalts himself will be humbled, but the one who humbles himself will be exalted.” A good way [read more...]

Our Mother’s Love

Posted on August 16, 2022
Jesus encourages us not to leave our conversion to the last minute: “Strive to enter through the narrow gate, for many, I tell you, will attempt to enter but will not be strong enough.” If you do not feel strong [read more...]

Featured Video: Feast of Saint Monica

Posted on August 15, 2022
Throughout her life, St. Monica constantly prayed for the conversion of her son, Augustine. As her bishop noted, Monica’s tearful prayers helped build her son into the Doctor of Grace. Join Dr. Gray and Dr. Sehorn as thy discuss more [read more...]

The Fire of Discipleship

Posted on August 10, 2022
Jesus said to his disciples: “I have come to set the earth on fire, and how I wish it were already blazing! There is a baptism with which I must be baptized, and how great is my anguish until it [read more...]

United by Our Blessed Mother

Posted on August 9, 2022
In this Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus speaks about how He has come to bring division in families, in societies, and throughout the world. While we often think of division as something negative, the truth is: division—or polarization—shows us the truth about [read more...]

Featured Video: The Woman

Posted on August 9, 2022
This powerful film presents the beautiful Catholic teaching about Mary, the mother of Jesus, and her important role in the Church and in the lives of Christians today. Combining many gorgeous images from classic sacred art with a lovely soundtrack, [read more...]

Our Treasure

Posted on August 2, 2022
In today’s Gospel Jesus tells us that we must be happy and vigilant servants. Jesus says to us “Do not be afraid any longer, little flock, for your Father is pleased to give you the kingdom. See your belongings and [read more...]