Tag Archive: #ourladyofthewayside

CFM Chili Cookoff: Great Eats, Fun Times!

Posted on January 24, 2024
The Christian Family Movement (CFM) Chili Cookoff was fantastic event! Our bellies were filled and our hearts were left overflowing with the joy and community of this wonderful ministry. This year’s CFM chili cook-off might have been the best yet! [read more...]

Please Support the Gloria Rebek Scholarship Fund

Posted on January 24, 2024
The 2nd collection during Catholic Schools Week is for the Gloria Rebek Scholarship Fund that benefits OLW students whose families need tuition assistance. Your donations help us offer a Catholic education to more students and shows families receiving assistance that [read more...]

REP Update: Weeks of January 28 & February 4

Posted on January 23, 2024
Here is the REP Schedule for the Weeks of January 28 and February 4… Sunday January 28 Youth Ministry Encounter – Cancelled Tuesday January 30 5:00 pm – Grades 1-4 meet Grades 5 – 8, No Class Tuesday, February 6 [read more...]

Prayer of Thanks and Gratitude

Posted on January 23, 2024
Lord, I thank you for imparting your strength to me through the sacraments. I thank You, Jesus, for filling my heart with Your Love. You do not demand that we love each other with empty hearts, but hearts overflowing with [read more...]

Introducing our Interim REP Coordinators

Posted on January 23, 2024
We’d like to introduce you to the wonderful people who stepped up to keep Our Lady of the Wayside’s Religious Education Program (REP) moving forward as we search for a new full-time program director.

Join Us for Friday Morning Bible Study

Posted on January 23, 2024
You are invited to attend Friday Morning Bible Study, in the Cabrini Room of OLW Parish Center, for opening prayer at 9:30 am. Bible study also meets “live online” via Zoom, and welcomes homebound parishioners and participants outside our geographical [read more...]