Tag Archive: #ourladyofthewayside

First Family Rosary at Welcoming Mother Grotto

Posted on May 7, 2024
The grace of our Welcoming Mother kept threatening weather at bay while Our Lady of the Wayside parishioners and families gathered to pray the first Family Rosary in May. Please join us at the Welcoming Mother Grotto — every Tuesday [read more...]

Operations Director Corner: May

Posted on May 7, 2024
I want to thank all those who have increased their weekly offering. Since Easter our Sunday collections are averaging 8% ahead of last year. Please continue to show your generosity, it is much needed and appreciated. A big Thank You [read more...]

Motherhood: Inspiration

Posted on May 7, 2024
It was witnessing the nurse midwife care of malaria fever stricken impoverished mothers and babies in Uganda that prompted my “second calling” as a deacon. What was the holy fire that stirred in me so long ago that has prompted [read more...]


Posted on May 7, 2024
May is mostly remembered for two days – Memorial and Mother’s Day. Memorial Day celebrates those who fought for us and the latter is a celebration of all of our mothers including life in the womb. But what about those [read more...]