Tag Archive: #olwschool

OLW School Opening Update (Part 2): Thank You!

Posted on September 1, 2020
The school administration and teachers worked tirelessly over the summer in preparation for this new school year. In addition to the curriculum and lesson plans, much was also done to prepare the building, classrooms, and school grounds. While we know [read more...]

Tootsie Roll Time! (Knights of Columbus Fundraiser)

Posted on September 1, 2020
It’s Tootsie Roll Time!  Time for the Knights of Columbus’ 2020 Intellectual Disability Fundraiser.  Visit www.kofc4483.org, call Scott Baxendale at 847-909-3723, or mail a check to the address below.  Your generosity is always much appreciated!

To Teach Who Christ Is Campaign Update

Posted on September 1, 2020
As many of you are aware, Our Lady of the Wayside launched the Archdiocese of Chicago’s To Teach Who Christ Is campaign in 2015.  For many of you, your five-year pledge commitment is coming to an end.  I thought now [read more...]

Back to School Photo Gallery

Posted on August 28, 2020
Our Lady of the Wayside School opened its doors for “live learning” on Friday, August, 21.  Here are some action shots from our first full week of school.  Enjoy!
Rainbow Over OLW

Another Rainbow!

Posted on August 27, 2020
A few weeks ago, we posted photos of a Rainbow over OLW, following RCIA Mass and a Parish Pastoral Council Meeting.  Here’s another from earlier today, submitted by one of our great parishioners.  The Holy Spirit strikes again!  May the [read more...]

Operations Director Update

Posted on August 26, 2020
As many of you know, Our Lady of the Wayside is in the process of searching for an Operations Director. This position differs from, but is similar to, the Business Manager position formerly held by Jim Liput. While a Business [read more...]

OLW School Opening Update (Part 1)

Posted on August 26, 2020
Our Lady of the Wayside School is proud to be open for in-person learning. We are carefully following the guidelines and framework of the Archdiocese of Chicago’s Reopening with Trust Plan. The Administration Team and the teachers made numerous preparations [read more...]