Tag Archive: #olwparish

Music for Youth Violin Concert Brings Joy

Posted on December 3, 2021
A few weeks ago, we hosted a wonderful violin concert in our church.  OLW and neighboring youth in the Music For Youth program performed and brought joy to those in attendance, including Fathers Arthur and Dominic.   Music for Youth [read more...]

Christmas Season Mass Schedule

Posted on December 1, 2021
What a difference a year makes! Here’s hoping we can celebrate the joy and splendor of the Christmas Season as a united Parish Family — without Signup Geniuses, attendance restrictions, etc. O come all ye faithful!  Let us worship together [read more...]

Second Collection: Retirement Fund for Religious

Posted on December 1, 2021
There will be a second collection next Saturday/Sunday, December 11-12 for the Retirement Fund for Religious. The Retirement Fund for Religious helps religious communities care for senior members—today and tomorrow. THE NEED: Across the United States, hundreds of religious communities [read more...]

Join Us For Friday Morning Bible Study

Posted on December 1, 2021
Zoom with OLW’s bible study group.  Enjoy fellowship and share insights on the bible. To receive the Zoom sign-in code, email biblestudy@olwparish.org.

Welcome To Our Newly Baptized Children!

Posted on December 1, 2021
We gladly welcome the following children into the family of God and into the faith community of Our Lady of the Wayside, who were baptized during the month of November. Please pray for them and their families. Domenic Peter Alfano [read more...]

Coming to OLW: Light Weigh Catholic Weight-Loss

Posted on December 1, 2021
Light Weigh Catholic Weight-loss is coming to Our Lady of the Wayside! Weight-loss, Saints, Bible Study, Friendship, Spiritual Healing & Prayers! Transformations are happening! Connect to the power of God and the group today. New sessions begin January 10, 2022. [read more...]