Tag Archive: #olwparish

Parish Office Closed for Staff Retreat

Posted on March 22, 2022
Please note that Our Lady of the Wayside’s Parish Office will be closed on Monday, March 28, until 1:00 pm.  Our school and office staff will be attending a Staff Retreat that morning.  Business operations will resume at 1:00 pm. Our [read more...]

RCIA Update: Second Scrutiny

Posted on March 21, 2022
The Elect continue their faith journey with the second Scrutiny, Sunday, March 27th.  They continue to search their consciences for sinful thoughts and actions.  The Scrutinies are meant to uncover and then heal what is weak within us.  They are [read more...]

REP Update: Weeks of March 28 & April 5

Posted on March 21, 2022
Here’s the REP Schedule for the Weeks of March 28 and April 5, 2022 Tuesday, March 29 4 pm, 1st through 4th grade classes meet 7 pm, 5th and 6th grade classes meet Wednesday, March 30 6:30 pm, Practice for 10 [read more...]

Bible Study: Live-and-in-Person

Posted on March 20, 2022
Our Parish Bible Study has been discussing the upcoming Sunday readings virtually (on Zoom) since the Corona adventure began. We are delighted to announce that you are now invited to attend in person again!  Come to the Cabrini Room of the [read more...]