Tag Archive: #olw

Video System Installation

Posted on November 18, 2020
Below are photos that capture the transition from our initial streaming video system – hastily built when COVID-19 forced the closure of our church – through installation of our new, high-end video system. The old system from initial installation to [read more...]

“Opening Our Doors” Campaign Update: (22.2%)

Posted on November 18, 2020
The Opening Our Doors to the Future Matching Campaign to modernize critical technology in our Church and across our Parish campus is moving along.  As of November 16, we have collected $11,100 in donations which, with the matching funds of [read more...]

Join Us For Friday Morning Bible Study

Posted on November 17, 2020
Zoom with OLW’s bible study group.  Enjoy fellowship and share insights on the bible. To receive the Zoom sign-in code, email biblestudy@olwparish.org.  

Giving Tree 2020: Helping Families in Need

Posted on November 16, 2020
We invite you to join us again this year in making a difference for over 300 individuals and families of St Mark parish who are in such great need.  This year the families are struggling even more than past years. [read more...]