Heading The Right Direction On Your Spiritual Journey?
Recently in this column we talked about “Where are we on Our Spiritual Journey.” Today we will look at “How do we know we’re really going in the right direction?”
Reality – Real or Virtual?
Virtual Reality is a current rage in our society. It’s used quite frequently for entertainment, but it’s also used for educational purposes. We put on glasses and we are transported to another, artificial “world.”
When we take off the glasses. we return to our “everyday” world. But is this the “real” world? It’s a world filled with pain, suffering, and injustices. We currently struggle with the Covid-19 virus; greed; to name a few. This is life in our secular world.
Humanity has long believed that there’s a better life, but has struggled with “what is it?” – and “how do we find it?” No matter what we achieve, it fails to give a sincere lasing joy and peace. We’re living in a Secular Reality and we need to take off the blinders that prevent us from seeing what is real and eternal.
Jesus Christ physically enters our secular world to teach us about God – His Father. Through many parables, stories and teachings, He tells us of God’s great love for us and how we can achieve that life with God. Out of love for us, Jesus lives that message throughout His life.
We have to take off our secular reality glasses and live the message of Jesus. We have heard “how” to do this in recent Sunday gospels. A few weeks ago, Jesus tells us that the Great Commandment is to love God with all your heart, soul, and mind. And love your neighbor as yourself.
The following Sunday Jesus teaches us how with the message of the beatitudes – blessed are they who mourn; who are meek; who hunger and thirst; who are merciful; who are persecuted; and others. In other words, let our love of God guide us to help our “neighbors” who need our help. This is the Golden Rule.
Then, on November 8, Jesus teaches the parable of the ten virgins, waiting for the bridegroom to arrive. Five are ready; five are not. Jesus says be prepared always. Many times we say that we are going to do something, but we procrastinate.
Last Sunday, Jesus tells the parable of the master who goes on a journey and gives five, two, and one talent respectively to his three servants. The master finds, on his return, that two have doubled what they were given. The third buried his; he is punished for not using the talent that he was given.
There are many opportunities to follow the Golden Rule at Our Lady of the Wayside – our sharing activities with St. Mark’s is a good example – information on the Christmas Giving Tree is in our bulletin. That community has been especially hurt by the virus – hundreds are out of work and in need of food. We provide nonperishable food to them on the second Sunday of every month.
In our neighborhood we have many homeless and out-of-work people and families who are helped through our P.A.D.S and St. Vincent DePaul ministries. These are just a few of the ways we can help those in need. We have seniors in our community who need assistance during these stressful times. OLW will try to help all in need. Please contact me or look in the bulletin for opportunities to assist our neighbors.
Today is the last Sunday of the liturgical year and we celebrate the feast of Christ the King. The gospel tells of Jesus’ return to earth to separate the good from the bad – those who have followed Him from those who did not. Jesus is asked how He will separate them and replies that what we have done for the least of His brethren we did for Him – and what we did not do for them, we did not do for Him.
Advent – Focus on Spiritual Reality
As we start our Advent season and prepare for the celebration of Jesus entering our world – we need to take off the Secular Glasses and see the beauty of God.
We need to let Jesus into our hearts and – in Jesus name – help those in need. Recently Pope Francis issued the encyclical (Fratelli Tutti) focusing on the issues of social friendship – we are all God’s children. God will judge us not on what we have, but on what we have given.
As we set our path to God, a good motto to remember is:
“Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.” (Mother Teresa)
Thank you and God Bless!
Deacon Tom Corcoran
“You are the light of the world. Do not light a lamp then put it under a bushel basket…. your light must shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Heavenly Father.” Matthew 5:5-16
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