Tag Archive: #maapf

Motherhood: Inspiration

Posted on May 7, 2024
It was witnessing the nurse midwife care of malaria fever stricken impoverished mothers and babies in Uganda that prompted my “second calling” as a deacon. What was the holy fire that stirred in me so long ago that has prompted [read more...]

OLW’s Deacon Don, In the News

Posted on January 30, 2024
Our Lady of the Wayside’s Deacon Don Grossnickle was recently featured in a Daily Herald article, “Suburban charity calls on churches this Lenten season to help fund clinic farms in Uganda.” The article highlighted Deacon Don’s MicroFinance Alliance Africa Projects [read more...]

Deacon Don Heading Back to Uganda

Posted on March 7, 2022
In 2017, 25 local Northwest suburban friends based in Our Lady of the Wayside Parish chipped in $500 to purchase and donate a laboratory microscope to St. Jude Clinic, a financially struggling medical clinic based in a small village in [read more...]

Where In The World is Deacon Don?

Posted on December 7, 2021
Advent Message from Kasese Uganda East Africa After 34 years as a full-time Deacon at Our Lady of the Wayside, another ministry has been keeping me quite busy these days. I am surprised that, at this late stage of my [read more...]

Faith in Action: Deacon Don Update

Posted on May 14, 2021
This just in from Our Lady of the Wayside’s Deacon Don Grossnickle: So glad to share news of my MAAPF friend Pavan. Pavan and I and MAAPF worked to support his research fighting deadly malaria. He needed a microscope and I [read more...]