Tag Archive: #arthurmarat

Contemplate Eternal Life

Posted on August 15, 2023
In today’s Gospel, we heard the account of two different miracles; first, the miracle of the healing of the daughter who was possessed by a demon, and second, the miracle of the faith of the mother of this girl. I [read more...]

Trust in His Love

Posted on August 8, 2023
Today the gospel according to Matthew tells about Jesus walking on the Sea to his disciples. When the disciples saw him, they thought that they were seeing a ghost. Jesus said to them with love, “Do not be afraid”. Peter [read more...]

Humble Means

Posted on August 1, 2023
The famous philosopher Jacques Maritain said that the Church uses two kinds of means for spiritual ends. The first kind of means is called rich, temporal means. Rich means are things like organizations, meetings, parish centers, and mass media. These [read more...]

What Do You Ask of God?

Posted on July 25, 2023
My brothers and sisters, in today’s readings we hear about one main topic: wisdom. The wisdom about which Scripture speaks is not something that a person can learn or buy with money. It is also not something that is guaranteed [read more...]

Freedom to Choose

Posted on July 19, 2023
Throughout the history of the Israelites, God spoke to the people in various, powerful, and effective ways. He punished justly, but He also showed much goodness and mercy. I think that for the Israelites and for us also, it is [read more...]

Worth The Effort

Posted on July 11, 2023
In this Sunday’s Gospel we hear the parable about the sower. Jesus speaks through parables because He wants to push us to search for the truth within the parables and within our lives. He wants us to search for Him, [read more...]

DMI Survey Update (and Thanks!)

Posted on July 4, 2023
Dear Our Lady of the Wayside Family, Thank you for taking the time this past Lent to complete the Disciple Maker Index survey. 534 parishioners shared their input on a number of aspects of faith and community life here at [read more...]

Hierarchy of Values

Posted on June 26, 2023
In today’s Gospel, Jesus says: He who loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; and he who loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me; and he who does not take [read more...]

Consolation in Christ

Posted on June 20, 2023
This Sunday’s reading should reassure us of God’s love and bring us peace. When Jesus tells us that we are worth more to Him than many sparrows, this is clearly a drastic understatement. What the Lord tells us by His [read more...]

Father Arthur Celebrates 35 Years of Priesthood

Posted on June 13, 2023
Friday, June 16th, marks the 35th Anniversary of our pastor’s Ordination. Please drop by the Gathering Place for a paczki and to wish Father Arthur well following the 11:30 am Mass this Sunday, June 18.