Parish News

What is Cyber Sickness? 

Posted on March 28, 2022
With so much of the population working from home and being educated virtually, people are continuing to spend hours in front of screens every day. As a result of this screen time, adults and children alike may be feeling the [read more...]

St. Mark’s Food Collection: Sunday, April 10

Posted on March 28, 2022
Sunday, April 10th we will have our monthly food drive for St. Mark’s Parish. Last July, St. Mark’s was consolidated with three other parishes who were not receiving food donations from sharing parishes. We continue to collect and deliver to [read more...]

REP Update: Weeks of April 4 & 11

Posted on March 28, 2022
Here’s the REP schedule for the weeks of April 4 and 11, 2022 Sunday, April 3, 9:30 am Family Mass Prayer Labyrinth 1st Communion Clothing Drive 10:30 am, In the Spirit Family Home Study Meeting Tuesday, April 5 4 pm, [read more...]

Our Next Bulletin Cover

Posted on March 28, 2022
Continuing with our ongoing “parish artists” series of bulletin covers, here’s a peek at the cover for the Fifth Sunday of Lent, generously contributed by a third grade student. Be sure to pick up a copy of the Bulletin at [read more...]

Bible Study: Live-and-in-Person

Posted on March 28, 2022
Our Parish Bible Study has been discussing the upcoming Sunday readings virtually (on Zoom) since the Corona adventure began. We are delighted to announce that you are now invited to attend in person again!  Come to the Cabrini Room of the Our Lady [read more...]

RCIA Update: Third Scrutiny

Posted on March 28, 2022
Holy Week is within sight. The Elect will participate in the third and final scrutiny during this period of Purification and Enlightenment. Then Palm Sunday and Holy Week will arrive, followed by the highpoint of the Church: Easer when the [read more...]

Saint Viator High School Summer Camps

Posted on March 28, 2022
St. Viator High School is excited to bring you a variety of summer camp offerings for all ages!  From Swimming and Soccer, to Theater and Service & Song, Saint Viator has you covered.  We hope that you will join us [read more...]