
Deacon’s Beacon: Our Lenten Journey Continues

Posted on March 28, 2022 by Published by

Our Lenten Journey Continues

This Sunday is the fifth Sunday of Lent.  By now, we’ve had time to focus on our relationship with God and make any adjustments that would help us as we continue our journey.  As we continue, we occasionally are faced with obstacles that may sidetrack us.  But God’s never-ending love will guide us back on our path.

In Sunday’s gospel we’ll hear the parable of the woman caught in adultery.  The Scribes and Pharisees see this as a chance to trap Jesus.  Of course, Jesus understands their intent and tells whoever is without sin to cast the first stone.  The crowd slowly drop their stones and walk away.  The Pharisees and Scribes wanted to condemn the woman, Jesus wished to forgive and to restore the sinner to spiritual health.  Jesus tells us that God, not people, is the judge.

When the woman is left alone with Jesus, He both expresses mercy and tells her to not sin again.  Jesus tells her to return to God, with a repentant heart and sin no more.

Jesus gives her pardon and a new start on life. God’s grace enables us to confront our sin for what it is – unfaithfulness to God, and to turn back to God, thankful for God’s mercy and forgiveness.

In last Sunday’s gospel we heard the story of the “Prodigal Son.”  It’s an appropriate story not only for this Lent, but for our whole life journey.  God gifts all of us with many blessings, but sometimes we all go off the path.

The Celebration

In that gospel reading, as the prodigal is returning home, the father prepares for a celebration.  And God prepares a celebration for us – the celebration of the Eucharist.

As life returns to normal in a hopefully post-pandemic world, it’s important for us to return to Mass.  The many Masses available on TV and the internet helped us through the past two years, but we can’t truly worship from our sofa.

We’re a community of believers and we need to gather together to share and, most importantly, to receive the Holy Eucharist.  We pray for those who are hurting and we share with those who need our help.

The message in both gospel readings is about God’s love and forgiveness.  We, on our part, need to live God’s message in our life by showing our love of God and His people.

We have many ministries at OLW that provide opportunities for us to help others.  Here is a new one.

1st Communion Clothing for St. Mark’s

A great example of a new opportunity to share our gifts with others is the First Communion Clothing ministry.  Claudia Russo, a parishioner, contacted me with a suggestion of asking parishioners to donate used, good condition First Communion dresses for the St. Mark’s community.

I talked with some of our parishioners and members of St. Mark’s and all think it’s a wonderful suggestion.

Great idea – with today’s inflation and uncertainties there are many people who need our assistance.

The OLW Peer Ministry is coordinating this activity.  You may drop your items off at the Parish Center beginning Tuesday, March 29 OR after the 9:30am, 11:30am, or 6pm Mass next Sunday.

If you do not have a garment but would still like to participate, you can drop off a check made out to St. Mark’s (1st Communion) at the Parish Center.

For additional information, please contact the Parish Center, or Deacon Tom Corcoran at: 





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