Parish News

REP Registration / Catechists Needed

Posted on August 16, 2022
There is still time to register for the Religious Education Program (REP) 2022-23 school year. If you wish to enroll your child(ren) in the program, and haven’t already done so, please register now. Classes will be formed soon. We are seeking [read more...]

Curious About Becoming Catholic?

Posted on August 16, 2022
Our Lady of the Wayside’s Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) is hosting a meet and greet, August 25th from 7:30 to 9 pm, in the Gathering Place. Contact Carol Stuber ( or Deacon Paul Onischuk ( with your [read more...]

Shining a Light on Depression

Posted on August 16, 2022
Join us at the Lutheran Home (800 W. Oakton Street, Arlington Heights) on August 26, from 9:30-11:30 am, as we come together for a supportive conversation about depression and holistic faith based care. Topics include identifying symptoms and treatments of depression, [read more...]

Our Mother’s Love

Posted on August 16, 2022
Jesus encourages us not to leave our conversion to the last minute: “Strive to enter through the narrow gate, for many, I tell you, will attempt to enter but will not be strong enough.” If you do not feel strong [read more...]

August is National Immunization Awareness Month

Posted on August 15, 2022
It’s National Immunization Awareness Month. Vaccines protect people of all ages. Make it your goal this month to ensure you and your family are up to date on all recommended vaccines. Advocate Aurora Health encourages you talk to your doctor, [read more...]

Featured Video: Feast of Saint Monica

Posted on August 15, 2022
Throughout her life, St. Monica constantly prayed for the conversion of her son, Augustine. As her bishop noted, Monica’s tearful prayers helped build her son into the Doctor of Grace. Join Dr. Gray and Dr. Sehorn as thy discuss more [read more...]

You’re Invited to Join OLW CFM

Posted on August 15, 2022
What is CFM? A network of parish family groups who meet to discuss issues of relevance to today’s Christian families. The CFM mission is to: Promote Christ-centered marriages and family life Help individuals and their families to live the Christian [read more...]