Parish News

Placement Testing: Notre Dame College Prep

Posted on November 16, 2022
Register Today to Test at ND and Become a Notre Dame Don! Notre Dame College Prep is the largest all boys school in the state of Illinois. We are excited about the Class of 2027 group coming together to start [read more...]

Worldwide Women’s Rosary: December 8

Posted on November 16, 2022
An initiative to hold a public women’s rosary that originated in Colombia has taken off worldwide with interested women connecting through Instagram. With the purpose of honoring the Blessed Virgin Mary on the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, the Worldwide Women’s [read more...]

You are Sacred

Posted on November 15, 2022
Repeat this phrase in your head: I am Sacred. Do you believe that to be true? It’s often difficult to see yourself as a holy, sacred temple that God dwells within, isn’t it? One of the greatest lies we buy into is [read more...]

Can Anyone Count on You?

Posted on November 15, 2022
You’ve probably heard the phrase “cancel culture”—the phenomenon where public figures get “canceled” for something they say or do in an effort to silence them. Well, today, Fr. Mike proposes the existence of a new and rising cancel culture—a culture [read more...]

Renew My Church: Meeting #1

Posted on November 15, 2022
On Saturday morning, November 12, representatives from Our Lady of the Wayside and four neighboring Vicariate I parishes attended the first (of two) Renew My Church sessions. This first meeting focused on three key areas: (1) Laying the Foundation for Renewal, [read more...]

King of Kings

Posted on November 15, 2022
Today, on this Solemnity of Christ the King, we can be happy because of the closeness of God to us. In the Gospel, we hear the Good Thief’s words: “Jesus, remember me when you come into Your Kingdom.” This is [read more...]