I’m New FAQ Page

Frequently Asked Questions

When are Mass times?
Each week, we celebrate Mass with over 1200 of our Parishioners and guests. Due to COVID-19 restrictions our (modified) “live” mass schedule is as follows:

  • Saturday Vigil: 5:00 pm
  • Sunday: 7:30, 9:30 and 11:30 am, and 6:00 pm
  • Weekdays and Saturday morning: 8:30 am

Children 4th grade and younger are welcome to attend the Children’s Liturgy, typically held during the 9:30 am Sunday Mass, except for holiday weekends. Please feel free to attend with your children.

Sunday’s 6:00 pm Mass is facilitated by our Youth Ministry.

How can my young children receive religious education and their Sacraments at OLW?
Baptisms are held on Sundays at 1:30 AND 3:00 pm. A Baptismal Preparation session is required when baptizing your first child. Please contact Deacon Pete LeTourneau to schedule.

Religious education is available for children from 1st through 8th grade through either Religious Education Program (REP) or for all students at OLW School. First Reconciliation and First Communion are made when your child is in Second Grade. Preparations are made through OLW’s Religious Education Program (REP) or as students at OLW School. Confirmation is held during your child’s Eighth Grade year at the conclusion of a 2-year preparation program administered through REP or OLW School.

How can I find out more information about Catholicism and becoming Catholic?
While we welcome all guests to attend our Masses and be involved in our Ministries, the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) program is designed to teach adults about the Catholic Faith and help them prepare to receive their Sacraments. RCIA meets weekly, from the Fall through Easter.

How can I get more involved in the OLW Community?
OLW has 70+ social and pastoral ministries focused on serving Christ’s mission. More details about each as well as contact information can be found in the Ministries section of this website, in the bulletin, in our weekly parish email newsletter (subscribe at the bottom of this page!), via our social media channels (e.g., Facebook and YouTube) or by calling the Parish Office at 847-253-5353.

One ministry that warmly introduces adults to the OLW community is the Christian Family Movement (CFM), having monthly small-group meetings of 15-20 people and other large-group events through the year.  Due to COVID-19 restrictions CFM is currently meeting virtually (via Zoom Meeting) and/or outdoors in small groups that follow safe social distancing.

Teens are  invited to join our vibrant Youth Ministry which meets weekly to work with teens on their faith, as well as sponsor retreats and service projects, and facilitate Sunday Evening Masses.

Children under 6 and their parents are invited to Little Saints on Friday mornings for spiritual play dates.

A women’s ministry includes Women at the Well which sponsors periodic speakers.

Some men’s ministries include a Men’s Golf League through the Summer, and Basketball Tuesday nights.

OLW also hosts Welcome Retreats separately for men and women.

How does OLW support our sister parish, St. Marks?
OLW’s sister parish is St. Marks, located in Humboldt Park. We hold monthly food drives, and collect Christmas gifts via the Giving Tree. We also share joint Masses and invite St. Marks to attend our end-of-summer Parish Picnic.

Click here for a downloadable PDF of this FAQ.

Welcome to Our Lady of the Wayside. We’re glad you found us! 

– OLW Welcome Committee
July 2023