CFM Announcements October 2023

CFM Family –

Hello and Happy Feast of the Guardian Angels!

This Friday, October 6 at 7:30 pm we will gather to Observe, Judge, and Act on Chapter 2: The Belt of Truth – The God of Truth vs. the Father of Lies. Look for an email with meeting location and details from your group leader couples. Please RSVP directly to your group leaders so that the host families know how many to expect.

Host families, thank you for opening your homes to our wonderful CFM community. Please keep it simple! The main idea is to be together.

You will find updated group lists and membership index attached. Copies will be handed out Friday for your folders. All members who have been reassigned groups have been contacted directly. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to Matt or I if you have questions or concerns.

We still have the soft-sided cooler that was left behind at the Lasagna Dinner (photo attached for reference). If you recognize this cooler, please let me know so I can get it to you! Otherwise it’ll become a regular part of the Baumgarter family lunchbox rotation very soon!!

Please continue to hold Rose Sherry and her entire family in your prayers as they prepare for their final goodbyes. How sweet it is that “Our bodies are buried in brokenness, but they will be raised in glory. They are buried in weakness, but they will be raised in strength.” – 1 Corinthians 15:43

Link for obituary of John Henry, brother of Rose Sherry (

Be the light,
Katy and Matt Baumgartner

2023-2024 OLW CFM Chaircouple
CFM – Making Friends, Making Disciples, Making a Difference!