
“Cut it the Hell Out”

Posted on August 9, 2021
Father Mark Augustine celebrated the 11:30 Mass on August 8 and delivered, what may be, his final OLW Homily (at least for a while, as he leaves for Canada next week to continue his Canon Law training).  His parting message [read more...]

Reflection: Drawn by the Father

Posted on August 3, 2021
“No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draw him.” How has God drawn you to faith in Jesus and how have you responded? If you had been alive when Jesus walked the earth, would you [read more...]

The Bread of Life

Posted on July 29, 2021
At Saturday’s Vigil Mass on July 24, 2021, Deacon Jerry Brennan’s Homily reminded all that the Eucharist is not merely a symbol of Christ, but is actually the true presence — the body and blood — of Jesus, sacrificed for [read more...]

Eucharist, Not Just a Symbol

Posted on July 27, 2021
“By the Eucharist He feeds His children, not the Manna with which the Jewish People were fed in the desert, but with His adorable Body and His Precious Blood.” ~St. John Vianney 18th Sunday of Ordinary Time — Year B [read more...]

Reflection: Blessed Interruptions

Posted on July 13, 2021
Dr. Scott Kurtzman, chief of surgery at Waterbury Hospital, was on his way to deliver an 8:00 a.m. lecture when he witnessed one of the worst crashes in Connecticut history. A dump truck, whose driver had lost control, flipped on [read more...]

Reflection: A Possession on a Journey

Posted on July 6, 2021
“He instructed them to take nothing for the journey but a walking stick — no food, no sack, no money in their belts.” I am the mother of young children, so that means I am a packer. I am a [read more...]

One Nation Under God

Posted on June 29, 2021
July 4th, 2021 This Fourth of July providentially falls on a Sunday—the day we love, revere, and thank the Lord. It is significant that the day we celebrate our nation’s independence, we also and even more importantly honor our God [read more...]