
Chris Stefanick: The One Solution

Posted on October 1, 2021
We’re crushed by every agenda, on every side: in the media, the workplace, and sometimes by your own families. And yet I’m JOYFUL. I’m HOPEFUL. Why? Because I have THE solution. I’ll let you in on my secret in this [read more...]

Our Readiness to Change

Posted on September 28, 2021
27th Sunday in Ordinary Time — Year B We are created in the image and likeness of God, and God entrusted us with the gift of responsibility for creation. We have the power to either build or destroy. We have [read more...]

Fr. Mike Talks About Suicide

Posted on September 22, 2021
Fr. Mike Schmitz explains why hope is the best remedy for suicidal thoughts. If you know someone struggling with such thoughts, don’t hesitate to reach out to them with reasons to have hope. If someone you know or love has [read more...]

My Favorite Saint: St. Therese of Lisieux

Posted on September 21, 2021
26th Sunday in Ordinary Time — Year B This upcoming week, on October 1, we will celebrate the feast of St. Therese of Lisieux. I would like to share with you a few reflections about my favorite saint. St. Therese [read more...]

The Eucharist Truly Is The Body of Christ

Posted on September 15, 2021
“The night before he died, at Passover, Jesus said to his disciples what are possibly the four most powerful words of his entire life and ministry…  He picked up the bread and said, ‘This is my body.’ And then he [read more...]

Should Christians Believe in Karma?

Posted on September 14, 2021
Is Karma good? No. However, GRACE is! You have a loving God who wants to pour his love, mercy, and grace into your life. Let him. Watch the video below to learn more. Source: Real Life Catholic  

Living With Childlike Faith

Posted on September 14, 2021
25th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year B In the Gospel Jesus tells us that we should be like children. What does it means to be like a child in the 21st century? It means to look at the world [read more...]

Our Story is Real

Posted on September 10, 2021
It’s not a myth. “Jesus really lived. His story is true and we get to play a part in it. Jesus wants us to be active agents in this [ongoing] story.  We’re called to enter into the story, to live [read more...]

Satan Does Exist

Posted on September 7, 2021
24th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year B Satan does exist. One need only speak to a Catholic exorcist or sit in a confessional hearing confessions for a few hours to know that the devil and demons are real. And, [read more...]

The God of the Universe Loves You [!!!]

Posted on September 1, 2021
“The source and summit of our faith is when we [literally] become one body with God, the Creator of the world. We become one flesh with Jesus in the Eucharist.” God is calling us back, to be physically present. Click [read more...]