
Humility: Key to God’s Heart

Posted on October 11, 2022
29th Sunday of Ordinary Time – Year C There is one judge—the greatest and most just judge—about whom we often forget: God. Every day we stand before Him and plead our cause. Maybe you are feeling sick and want to [read more...]

Let Yourself Pray

Posted on October 11, 2022
For Sunday, October 16, 2022 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time   Exodus 17:8-13 2 Timothy 3:14-4:2 Luke 18:1-8 …Pray always, without becoming weary. — Luke 18:1 For the first nine months of my daughter’s life, she didn’t “sleep” so much [read more...]

Father Mark’s Farewell

Posted on October 4, 2022
Dear Our Lady of the Wayside parish, During the height of the shutdown in Spring of 2020, as plans continued to be canceled and uncertainty reigned, our heads were swirling with the reality that was setting in around us.  It [read more...]

Thoughtful Thankfulness

Posted on October 4, 2022
28th Sunday of Ordinary Time – Year C This Sunday’s Gospel shows us that God intervenes in our lives, but He does not intervene according to our plans. No miracle is exactly like another; each miracle is unique. While we [read more...]

“Increase Our Faith”

Posted on September 26, 2022
27th Sunday of Ordinary Time – Year C  Every week I celebrate funeral Masses for parishioners who have passed away. These events always give me much to think about, but especially the fact that life is very fragile. We never [read more...]

How to Skip Purgatory

Posted on September 21, 2022
We all want to be saints, but the struggle against sin and selfishness can feel overwhelming. There may be days where we might feel satisfied simply making it to purgatory rather than entering the pearly gates. But is this lukewarm [read more...]

Don’t Wait (Until It’s Too Late)

Posted on September 20, 2022
26th Sunday of Ordinary Time – Year C  The first reading for this Sunday tells us that the people were of Joseph. What does this mean? “Joseph” is the son of Jacob, who had a coat of many colors and [read more...]