Author Archives for Sean Reilly

Give to be the Face of Hope

Posted on May 4, 2021
This Sunday’s second collection will support mothers and children who reach out to Catholic Charities and lift-up our most vulnerable neighbors across Chicagoland who are facing extraordinary challenges right now. Please offer your most generous donation to the second collection [read more...]

Have You Ever Considered Bereavement Ministry?

Posted on May 4, 2021
The Corporal works and the Spiritual works of mercy are at the core of who we are as Catholics Christian. They not only identify who we are as a people; charitable, caring, compassionate and generous, they also identify the behaviors [read more...]

Outdoor Family Mass: Registration NOW OPEN!

Posted on May 4, 2021
The excitement builds… We’re happy to announce that plans for Our Lady of the Wayside’s Outdoor Family Mass of Joy and Thanksgiving — to take place in our parking lot on Pentecost Sunday, May 23 at 11:30 am — are [read more...]

Mass for the Fifth Sunday of Easter

Posted on May 1, 2021
Fr. Mark Augustine and Fr. Dan Brady co-presiding with Deacon Pete LeTourneau assisting. Mass also celebrated Fr. Brady’s 60th anniversary of his ordination.

Fr. Brady Celebrates 60 Years of Priesthood

Posted on May 1, 2021
On Saturday, May 1, Father Daniel Brady celebrated his 60th Anniversary of service to God and His flock as a Roman Catholic Priest. Father Arthur Marat recognized Father Brady’s service at the opening of the 5:00 pm Vigil Mass, and [read more...]