
Source and Summit

Posted on July 30, 2024 by Published by

My Dear Parishioners,

When speaking about the Eucharist, St. John Vianney once said:

“Without the Blessed Eucharist there would no longer be any happiness in the world, life would be unbearable. When we receive Holy Communion, we receive all our joy and all our good.”

When we watch the news or follow social media, we see people throughout the world, including our loved ones, in great turmoil. Day-by-day, minute-by-minute, true happiness appears to be waning from society. And, yes, we know from the news what transpired during the opening ceremony of the Olympics in Paris.

In an interview with Daily La Croix, Bishop Emmanuel Gobilliard, who represents the Holy See at the Olympic Games, said he felt “deeply wounded” by the blasphemous mockery of The Last Supper during the opening ceremony, which was deeply contrary to the Olympic spirit of communion and unity. He reminded us, “The Olympic Charter clearly states that the Games cannot be used to promote political, religious or racial ideas. [They] should promote the spirit of unity, brotherhood, community, and peace. The controversy that arose in the aftermath of this travesty certainly did not serve this purpose.”

Many who tuned in to the opening ceremony felt they were watching a program with a very strong sociopolitical message – one that tried to impose a uniform way of thinking. It did not resonate with, and insulted, a large percentage of the audience. Those who were offended felt they had no voice, so how inclusive really was the much-touted “inclusiveness” of the opening ceremony?

My dear parishioners let us draw strength from the Eucharist, so beautifully depicted in Leonardo da Vinci’s masterpiece, The Last Supper, and celebrated at last week’s incredible Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis. Let us realize that Faith is a gift we must humbly ask God for. As St. John Vianney reminds us: everything depends on our humility to ask for the grace to believe; our very happiness—both here on earth and in heaven—ultimately depends on it.

As Spiritual Father and Pastor of Our Lady of the Wayside, my main mission is to lead each of you to what will make you truly happy now and eternally. I sincerely hope that every single parishioner believes what our Catholic Faith teaches about the Last Supper at which Christ instituted the Eucharist – His True Presence. While, as Christians, we have a right and a responsibility to make our voices heard, we must take care not to respond to a provocation with provocation. All we say or do must be centered in love.

I invite you to approach God with humility and ask Him for the grace to believe that He, really and truly, is present in the Eucharist. Through such a prayer, you will have nothing to lose and God Himself to gain, because the Eucharist is the source of a true spirit of unity, brotherhood, community, and peace.

Let us try to distance ourselves from this turmoil and make room for sporting competition with a true Olympic spirit.

Yours in Christ,
Father Arthur

PS: Please watch and enjoy the Eucharistic Congress presentation videos posted on the REFLECTIONS Page of this website.

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