Tag Archive: #reflection

The Safety of Darkness

Posted on October 22, 2024
Leprosy and blindness and deafness — oh, my. The disabilities cured by Jesus in his public ministry really are quite something, aren’t they? Vividly symbolic and rich food for reflection. It just wouldn’t be the same if Jesus had cured [read more...]

Conversion, Hollywood, and Identity in Jesus

Posted on October 16, 2024
Fr. Mike had the pleasure of interviewing David Henrie about his reversion to Catholicism, his life as a Hollywood celebrity, and how to find your identity in Christ no matter your state in life. They also discussed his recent work [read more...]

Unwavering Faith

Posted on October 15, 2024
This Sunday is World Mission Sunday in the Catholic Church throughout the world. The Resurrected Christ gave His disciples the indication: “Go into the whole world and proclaim the gospel to every creature.” This command reveals how the function of [read more...]

Made to Serve

Posted on October 15, 2024
I thought it often in my first year as a mother, when I was every day discovering what this new life of parenthood looked and felt like: doing anything with kids is a hundred times harder than doing it without [read more...]

Where Does the Rosary Come From?

Posted on October 10, 2024
Jesus gave us the prayer we often call “the Our Father”. But where do the other prayers of the Holy Rosary come from, like the Hail Mary? The Glory Be? Who selected the mysteries that we meditate on for each decade? [read more...]


Posted on October 8, 2024
When I was a kid, before smartphones and Amazon, it was the toy catalogs that we waited for. They arrived in the mail, smiling children’s faces splashed across the cover, like a silent promise that real happiness could be purchased [read more...]

What Catholics Believe About the Body

Posted on October 2, 2024
Did you know Christians have a radical view of the body? While society often swings between two extremes—either dismissing the body as insignificant or idolizing it—Christianity offers a balanced and profound understanding of the unity between body and soul. Fr. [read more...]

“Stay With Me Lord”

Posted on October 1, 2024
On September 23, the Catholic Church celebrated the Feast of St. Padre Pio. I would like to share a beautiful prayer by my favorite saint who dedicated his life to Jesus. “Stay with me, Lord, for it is necessary to [read more...]

Are Your Bored at Mass?

Posted on September 29, 2024
You’ve definitely either said—or met someone who’s said—“I go to Mass, but I just don’t get anything out of it.” Fr. Mike gets you. He’s said it too. But what he’s learned and cannot stop telling everyone is that Mass [read more...]

The Angel in the Marble

Posted on September 24, 2024
If you show up to the gates of heaven completely whole, I kind of doubt you’ll be let inside. I know that sounds pretty awful, because what kind of God doesn’t want all of you, exactly as you are? “Be [read more...]