Tag Archive: #reflection

Summer Reflection

Posted on July 22, 2024
My Dear Students, Teachers and Parishioners, We are well into the wonderful Summer Season and I hope you are enjoying all it has to offer. I would also like to take a moment to invite you to try deepening your [read more...]

Take More

Posted on July 22, 2024
It doesn’t matter what time of day we visit my mother-in-law — she always has food to offer. If we take two helpings, she will encourage us to take three. If we take three helpings, she will say, “Coraggio — [read more...]

A Deserted Place

Posted on July 16, 2024
In one of my favorite shows, “Parks and Recreation,” there is a scene where one of the characters, Jerry, is tasked with stuffing hundreds of envelopes with flyers as part of his volunteer work for a local city council campaign. [read more...]

Shake Off the Dust

Posted on July 9, 2024
Our kitchen floor is at least 35 years old, and it’s the ugliest color to come out of the ‘80s. But it’s a good, durable floor, and my husband, bless his heart, guards it like it was a finely finished [read more...]

A Prophet and His Native Place

Posted on July 1, 2024
“A prophet is not without honor except in his native place.” It could be the slogan of high school reunions everywhere. I speak from experience — I didn’t go to my high school reunion, but I do live in the [read more...]

The Secret to Staying Happily Married

Posted on June 25, 2024
We’ve got a “Marriage Pop-Quiz” for you! Would you ditch your spouse to catch a flight? Imagine you’re traveling with your spouse. They go to the bathroom while you wait for your flight to board. But they don’t come back. [read more...]