
Motherhood: Inspiration

Posted on May 7, 2024 by Published by

It was witnessing the nurse midwife care of malaria fever stricken impoverished mothers and babies in Uganda that prompted my “second calling” as a deacon. What was the holy fire that stirred in me so long ago that has prompted a continuing mission journey attracting me to pursue medical assistance for poor mothers in Uganda East Africa.

On Mother’s Day we pause and reflect in order to appreciate the inestimable value and contribution mothers play in our own life. We reflect on the impact motherhood plays serving the larger global culture of the human family of God.

While visiting one of the MAAPFoundation clinics we support in Soroti village in Western Uganda I visited a cultural park dedicated to feature the central role of mother’s in everyday tribal life. The sculpture depicting Mary the Mother of Jesus (above) gave me a long pause for reflection. Seeing Mary as an African woman and especially shown in a compassionate stance for a mother and baby and cuddling a man with an ailment was very moving for me. It was an inspirational moment. I connected the sculpture to the dedicated nurse midwives I see saving lives of those heavily burdened with pain, despair and hopelessness.

After the traumatic crucifixion of Jesus her son, Mary spends the remainder of her earthly life as a ministering disciple, a role model of action. Mary demonstrates through her life freely offering compassion just as Jesus showed the world a new way of selfless giving. I so notice and admire that a mother’s love, so visible and incarnate and so much in the image of God might best provoke a yearning in all mankind urged to pass along to others.

So many continue joining me reaching out to over 25 Uganda village rural clinics the MAAPFoundation ( supports as invited partners in solidarity with healthcare workers and leaders lovingly serving the poor. On this day, I offer thanksgiving for many Waysiders who support and encourage my ministry. Together in solidarity with Jesus and Mary we are devotedly making a difference.

Happy Mother’s Day!
Deacon Don Grossnickle


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