
Be Ready

Posted on November 28, 2023 by Published by

St. Paul the Apostle to the nations characterizes the pagans by saying that they do not have God and they do not have hope. As we begin Advent today, we should ask ourselves: Are we Christians and Catholics a people of hope?

Those who believe deeply do not live in an illusion regarding what is going to happen in their future. Instead, the Christian knows more than what he reads in the newspaper or sees on television. With joy and faith, the Christian awaits the One Who will come again.

At this time in our history, however, we are confronted with the reality that, instead of putting their hope in Jesus, people are putting their hope in banks and in money, in political candidates and war strategies. We cannot rely on any of these things, however, because all of this is passing away. But, we as Christians are a people of hope: a people who know God and experience His Love. So, we must reflect His presence in the world and love for all people.

As we begin this Advent, I would like to invite each of you to be on guard, to be watchful, to be ready.

I would like to encourage each of you to acknowledge and take advantage of the faith and the abilities which God has given you to reflect His image in the world and build His Kingdom. In order to be ready for Jesus’ second coming, we must use every minute of our lives. Therefore, let us take some time to invite Jesus into our lives and ask Him for the grace to transform our souls, especially during this time of awaiting.

Yours in Christ,
Father Arthur

Readings for the First Sunday of Advent: Lectionary 2

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