
Chris Stefanick’s Presentation: National Eucharistic Congress

Posted on July 25, 2024 by Published by

Real Life Catholic’s Chris Stefanick spoke to 50,000+ Catholics (and 2 million more online) at the National Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis, IN. Here is his full speech.

In Chris’ e-newsletter, following the Eucharistic Congress, he wrote…

Friends in Christ,

One word: Wow.

I just got back from the National Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis, and I still can’t believe all that God did and is continuing to do.

Getting ready to look out at 55,000 people with 2 million watching online, I remembered what a priest friend told me in the days before, “You’re either sent or you’re not.” He taught me that if you’re sent to do something by GOD, you have nothing to worry about. Which is funny, because this was the very thing I was about to speak about! (God likes to make sure I practice what He sends me to preach.)

 I wonder how many times the apostles had their voices crack a bit when they started preaching! I’m sure many.

Moments before speaking, I peeked out from backstage with a pit in my stomach. I ran and knelt before my Carmelite nun friends and they prayed over me before my talk. I remembered who I was, and WHO had sent me, and I delivered what I was sent to talk about.

The message? God sends you. (Yes, YOU.) Don’t be shy. Don’t tone it down. Don’t apologize. You have the best news mankind will ever receive. Live it radically. Share it courageously. And rejoice while doing it. 💪

But back to my “wow…” When I think of what God did with 12 fishermen, I can only imagine what He’ll do with 55,000. I believe that the National Eucharistic Congress wasn’t just an event but an epicenter–A moment of sending forth.

I am so honored to have been a part of it, and specifically, to talk about the one thing that our ministry is all about.

Thanks for being all about that One Thing with us.

Speaking of which, here’s my talk in full. And here are shorts. But they’re not for you. SHARE THEM with everyone you know!

God love you,

Chris Stefanick
Founder and President
Real Life Catholic

P.S. Thank you to the Missionaries of Joy who make this all possible. Become an MOJ to be equipped to proclaim the gospel boldly and support our ministry along the way!


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