

Posted on March 29, 2022 by Published by

Fifth Sunday of Lent

Can you imagine the shock that the woman must have felt when Jesus saved her life and did not condemn her for committing adultery? Jesus rescued the woman because He knew that her desire to seek the love of other men revealed something of the true and authentic longing in her heart to be loved by God. Sin is essentially our innate desire for God misdirected to something or someone other than God. Jesus saw this desire in the woman’s heart, and He was merciful, forgave her sin, restored her dignity as a person, and saved her life. He did all of this, knowing that once she experienced and discovered His Love, she would follow Him and sin no more.

This is what Lent is all about: experiencing and discovering God’s Love and Mercy so that we might re-direct or reorient our deepest longings toward Him and Heaven.

The story of the woman caught in adultery beautifully testifies to the fact that Jesus looks upon each of us with Love. Each of us has inestimable value and dignity in God’s eyes. Yet, each of us is a sinner in need of God’s forgiveness. Each of us has “missed the mark,” so to speak, by seeking pleasure, joy, hope, and fulfillment in things, people, and pursuits other than God. In this way, we have distorted our own dignity. But we need not be discouraged because the God of Love—Jesus Christ—patiently waits for us to return to Him in the Sacrament of Confession so that He can restore our dignity and reorient our lives.

During what remains of Lent (and throughout the year), I would like to invite you to come more frequently to confession. Come to the One who Loves you and knows the deepest longings of your hearts. Come to Him and tell Him how you have been unfaithful. Come and allow His mercy to heal you, your families, and your friends, so that you can truly experience who God created you to be: His beloved child.

Yours in Christ,
Father Arthur

PS: The Sacrament of Reconciliation is offered in our church every Saturday from 9:30–10:30 am, and is also available by request, by calling the parish office to schedule a time. Or, come to the Multi-parish Communal Reconciliation Service. CLICK HERE for information. All are welcome!

Readings for the Fifth Sunday of Lent: Lectionary 36

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