
School Windows Upgrade (part 2)

Posted on August 2, 2021 by Published by

The new windows in the elementary building are almost all installed. The parish maintenance team will replace the window air conditioning units and the blinds. The school will be cleaned and teachers will start setting up their classrooms for the first day of school on August 18. What a treat for our students coming back to school with this improvement project completed.

The windows that were installed are EFCO high-efficiency windows. They are black on the exterior for a modern look and a nice contrast to the beautiful limestone building and to match the black windows in the parish center. On the interior, they are gray to better fit with the classroom decor. One notable benefit of the new windows is their energy efficiency which will yield savings in the heating bills and a return on our investment over time. Don Malen, parish Maintenance Director, has already noticed a difference. “One cold winter day, I held a thermometer near an old window and it read 34 degrees. Just recently on a 90-degree day, I touched one of the newly installed windows from inside a classroom and it felt cool.”

Another important benefit of the new windows is the size of the emergency egress, which is larger now and up to code. In the event of a fire or other emergency, these new windows could make a life-saving difference.

The new window air conditioning units were considered as well when planning this project. They will be re-installed in each classroom and if the AC units need to be replaced, there is space for a larger unit. They will also work better because of the energy efficient new windows.
“Our teachers are very excited to see the new windows at the start of the new school year and they are grateful to the parish and parishioners for their generosity and support,” commented David Wood, Principal.

A future elementary school project that would complement this investment is to replace the exterior doors and aluminum/glass entrances to the building with energy efficient products.

To read Part 1 of this article, click HERE.

To see additional photos of the school windows installation project, visit our photo gallery by clicking HERE.


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