
This Easter We Celebrate the Power of Christ’s Resurrection

Posted on March 30, 2021 by Published by

Easter, the Resurrection of the Lord

A little over one year ago, our lives and the world underwent a drastic change. Because of Covid-19, we had to alter completely how we live and interact with each other. For many of us, life as we knew it was as if turned upside down. For some of us, this led to new opportunities and hidden blessings such as growing closer as a family, spending more time at home, and developing enriching hobbies. For others, these changes brought about financial, mental health, and physical trials. And, for still others, the pandemic brought with it the loss of loved ones and death.

When Jesus died on the cross, His disciples’ world was also turned on its head. The friend and teacher who they had accompanied for three years (for some, longer) had been brutally murdered before their very eyes and, in effect, had become their Savior, and ours. With this sudden and drastic change, Jesus’ disciples and Apostles were immersed in a state of confusion and fear—something with which we, too, are familiar. Yet, Jesus did not leave His beloved followers alone; the Blessed Mother was with them, holding everything together through Her perfect faith, and sustaining them through Her prayer until the moment of the Resurrection and then the descent of the Holy Spirit, when all things would be made clear.

This Easter, we find ourselves like the Apostles—perhaps confused and fearful about the future and the potential of our own death. And yet, the Blessed Mother’s reassuring presence and intercession along with our faith and belief in the Resurrection of Jesus remind us of the hope that is ours in even the darkest trials and confusing times. Jesus Christ has risen from the dead. We have nothing to fear. For, through His Passion, Death, and Resurrection, He has conquered the very evils and ultimately death that we experience and opened heaven before us. Today is a day of great joy because even though the coronavirus has changed our world, it is a small nothing compared to the power of Christ’s Resurrection.

Christ’s Resurrection reminds us that God is in charge. He has overcome every imaginable evil. And, insofar as we have faith in Him and strive to live according to His Commandments, we have nothing to fear. With the Blessed Mother as our companion and guide, we can live each day filled with hope that Jesus will transform even the greatest suffering and even our death into something beautiful—into an eternal encounter with Him Who is the “Resurrection and the Life” (John 11:25).

A Blessed Easter  to You, Your Families and Your Loved Ones,
Father Arthur

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