
Deacon’s Beacon: Covenant, Light, Love and Action

Posted on March 17, 2021 by Published by

“God so loved the world …”

“… that He gave His Only Son that everyone who believes in Him …  might have eternal life.”  That quote is from last Sunday’s gospel (John 3:16) and it’s one of the most meaningful verses in the bible – and also, one of the most quoted.  In it, God shows His total love for all people and offers a covenant between God and humanity.

Last Sunday’s gospel concludes by talking about the covenant that comes through Jesus (the light) coming into the world.  The reading continues – “The light came into the world, but people preferred darkness to light.  Whoever lives the truth comes to the light, so that his works may be seen as done in God.”

The foundation of John’s gospel is based on belief.  That belief then leads to action in the way we live our life.  The action we see in the gospel is motivated by love.  However, there also is wickedness in the world that turns people away from the light.

“The True Love of God”

Love is the reason that the Father sent His Son Jesus to save us – to show us the way to the light.  That love is present in our world today through God’s Advocate – the Holy Spirit.

That message of Covenant, Light, and Love continue in today’s readings.

In the First Reading, Jeremiah talks of the new Covenant that God will give to His people.  The reference of course is to Jesus as the light of the world.

Looking back through the centuries we wonder “why don’t “they” (this includes Pharisees, scribes, general population) listen to the message of Jesus, and others?”  Why don’t “they” believe?

We think, why would someone prefer darkness to the light?  We need to understand that “Darkness” is the way things are – what has always been done.  It’s easy and requires no extra effort.  We don’t always know it as darkness, it’s just business as usual.  Only with the coming of the Light does the self-serving interest of some of our existing thoughts become evident.  We learn that the “they” includes us.  “Change” requires us to examine the deeper meaning to all of us in Jesus’ messages – it could be change in our beliefs, our actions, or – something else?

In today’s gospel we see an example of Jesus’ message of the call for change in our life.  The reading starts saying, “Some Greeks come to worship at the Passover Feast.”  They ask to see Jesus.  Jesus replies, saying that His hour is approaching and then tells them the parable of the grain of wheat that falls to the ground and dies.

There had to be initial confusion until they understood Jesus’ meaning of “the hour” referred to the realization that the time was coming for Him to offer His life out of love for the Father and us.

How do we show our love of God?

The Covenant requires action on both sides.  God has shown His love for us.  What can we do to share God’s love for us with others?

Fortunately, OLW offers many opportunities for all of us to reach out to help others in need.  Our abilities are somewhat reduced because of the Covid Pandemic, but there are still opportunities.  Please feel free to contact me or look in the bulletin for information.

As we find areas where we can help others, we need to remember to thank God for the opportunity to serve. 

Deacon Tom Corcoran

“You are the light of the world.  Do not light a lamp then put it under a bushel basket…. your light must shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Heavenly Father.”  Matthew 5:5-16

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