Tag Archive: #theologyofthebody

A Theology of Your Body

Posted on May 22, 2024
Pope John Paul II said that what modern man needs—and is missing—is an “adequate anthropology”, or, a full understanding of what it looks like to be human. Over the course of his pontificate, he gave it his best shot using [read more...]

Respect Life Corner: Your Body is Your Temple

Posted on July 11, 2023
Today our culture seems to prioritize self-gratification. We see it in instant online shopping, social media’s endless scrolling and most unfortunately one-night stands or contraception. The latter has major consequences with unplanned pregnancies seen as inconvenient and consequently aborted. It’s [read more...]

Theology of the Body Presentation

Posted on February 15, 2022
On Tuesday evening, in Our Lady of the Wayside Church, Ray Pingoy from the Archdiocese of Chicago gave a “Theology of the Body” presentation (formerly known as the ‘Chastity Talk’) to our school’s 8th graders. His talk was based on [read more...]