Tag Archive: #reflections

Living Parables

Posted on June 11, 2024
Whenever someone begins a sentence with, “This parable means…” I roll my eyes. (Sometimes I do this inwardly, to be polite. But I still do it.) We have a tendency to treat the parables like our mom’s favorite casserole recipe. [read more...]

I Love Being Catholic, Here’s Why

Posted on June 6, 2024
If you’re truly open-minded, you can find some truth in most religions. You can find plenty of goodness and beauty as well. But where is the whole truth of God—the “fullness of truth”? Fr. Mike makes the case for Catholic [read more...]

In the Family Way

Posted on June 4, 2024
Look here: there is no one more family-oriented than me. I drive a minivan. I wear mom jeans. I wipe unidentified gunk off of kids’ faces without a second thought. I’m all about family, but I’m not always a fan [read more...]

This is My Body

Posted on May 28, 2024
A friend in high school once asked me why I wore a Crucifix around my neck. She was a Christian and very devout, so I was surprised at her confusion. “To remember Jesus’ sacrifice,” I said. Her upper lip curled [read more...]

Spirit to Spirit

Posted on May 14, 2024
Talk to any couple who are devoted to one another. Ask them when they realized they were in love — call-me-in-a-crisis love, face-the-day-to-day-with-me love — and the answer will probably not be “When I realized he was only dating me [read more...]

The Truth We Cannot See

Posted on May 7, 2024
I only pray out loud when I want my kids to hear what I’m saying. I know what you’re thinking — hypocrites in the synagogue and the street corner; go to your room and shut the door — but I [read more...]

As I Love You

Posted on April 30, 2024
This week my children were learning about energy. We set up an experiment with toy cars — one was placed in front of another, and a third was pushed into the two stationary ones. The forward motion caused the front [read more...]

“Increase Our Faith”

Posted on September 26, 2022
27th Sunday of Ordinary Time – Year C  Every week I celebrate funeral Masses for parishioners who have passed away. These events always give me much to think about, but especially the fact that life is very fragile. We never [read more...]