Tag Archive: #reflection

Star of Wonder, Star of Light

Posted on January 3, 2023
The Epiphany of the Lord There is a story of an astronomy professor who was enthusiastically discoursing in a planetarium about the marvels of the known universe. Noticing an unpretentious priest who had joined his group of students, the professor [read more...]


Posted on December 27, 2022
It is a beautiful occurrence for the first day of this New Year to fall on Sunday and on the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God. It is as if God wants to tell us that this year Our Lady [read more...]

Christmas: A Time for HOPE

Posted on December 19, 2022
While many of us may become stressed out before Christmas and depressed afterwards—working hard to make the holiday perfect and burning out once it’s all “over”—the Light of the season can still shine through if we remember one thing. In [read more...]

How Pope Francis Views Advent’s Call to Hope

Posted on December 16, 2022
Advent is a “continuous call to hope,” says Pope Francis. It seems, then, that a key aim of this pre-Christmas season is to focus attention on hope’s immense importance for everyone. But why? Is hope a problem? Sure, it can [read more...]

Advent Series Week Three: Immaculee’s Story

Posted on December 14, 2022
Gear up for a powerful example of someone who has grasped the Lord’s hope for all of us in our forgiveness journey. Hear her experience of wrestling with the words from the Our Father, “forgive us our trespasses as we [read more...]

What a Perfect YES Looks Like

Posted on December 13, 2022
“God will never ask you to do more than Mary did.” And what did Mary do? She said “yes” to the Angel Gabriel. Fr. Mike wants us to meditate on how we can learn to say “yes” to God from [read more...]

Be Open to God’s Subtle Signs

Posted on December 12, 2022
Fourth Sunday of Advent – Year A In order to draw us ever closer to Him, God permits us to experience different trials during our lives. We see this in today’s Gospel, where Joseph learns about the Blessed Mother’s pregnancy. [read more...]

O Come, O Come,’ everyone

Posted on December 6, 2022
Ever since I became a mom — more than 20 years and four kids ago — the Advent and Christmas season has taken on a whole different perspective for me. That perspective has opened up the meaning of the season [read more...]

Humble Beginnings

Posted on December 5, 2022
On this Third Sunday of Advent, we are reminded, yet again, that Jesus is coming. But how will He come? The Gospels reveal to us that Jesus came not as a great leader, not as a warrior, not as a [read more...]