Tag Archive: #praise

Ministry of Praise: Join Us

Posted on May 27, 2024
Ministry of Parise is a spiritual ministry in which the members offer their prayers to God for special intentions. This ministry encourages the bonding of generations with our homebound and our active members to experience a closer connection. This ministry is [read more...]

Totus Tuus Going Strong

Posted on July 20, 2023
Totus Tuus is going strong this week at Our Lady of the Wayside. In this video, our youth are attending Mass and offering praise by singing “Sanctuary.” Please pray for our youth, the future of our Church.

Music Ministry Update: Good News

Posted on March 23, 2021
I am very pleased to inform you that beginning on Palm Sunday we will have our cantors return to our weekend and Holy Day celebrations. Their role will not be to inspire congregational singing but rather to sing the hymns [read more...]