Tag Archive: #patience

God’s Love, Patience and Mercy

Posted on September 5, 2022
24th Sunday of Ordinary Time – Year C  God’s patience is like a thick cord connected tightly to us. God never tires of our weakness or of us. Like the Good and Merciful Father of the Gospel, God takes us [read more...]

Come Together…

Posted on February 1, 2022
With all the COVID-related angst bombarding us, wearing us down, grinding our spirits, and causing division within our parish community, let us remember who is truly in charge, and who taught us by example and the sacrifice of His life, [read more...]

A Call for Patience and Charity

Posted on January 25, 2022
Fourth Sunday Ordinary Time – Year C Sometimes the things that we need to hear for the salvation of our souls are not the things that we want to hear. The truth—God’s Truth—demands that we change our hearts and change [read more...]