Tag Archive: #olwparish

Pentecost Sunday

Posted on June 4, 2022
Fr. Arthur Marat presiding & Deacon Peter LeTourneau assisting.

Power Disruption: Tuesday, June 7

Posted on June 3, 2022
Our Parish Campus (including the parish office, church, school, and rectory) will be without power for approximately 4 hours — sometime between the hours of 8am and 5pm — on Tuesday, June 7th.  During this time, all communications (phones, email, [read more...]

Outdoor Family Mass: THIS SUNDAY!

Posted on June 1, 2022
An outdoor Mass is such a visible celebration of our parish spirit! The next family Mass will be THIS SUNDAY, June 5 at 9:30 am and it will be an outdoor Mass in the parking lot between the church and [read more...]

Holy Spirit, Changer of Plans

Posted on June 1, 2022
Pentecost Sunday The fifty days between Easter Sunday and Pentecost Sunday are one great feast—one Magnificent Day of Lord. Pentecost Sunday is the fulfillment of the Paschal Mystery: the Passion, Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus. The descent of the Holy [read more...]