Tag Archive: #olwparish

REP Update: November 7 & 14

Posted on October 31, 2022
Here’s the REP Schedule for the weeks of November 7 & 14, 2022. Tuesday, November 8  4:00 pm, 1st through 4th grade classes meet Tuesday, November 8       7:00 pm, 7th and 8th grade classes meet Tuesday, November 15     4:00 pm, [read more...]

When I Was Hungry…

Posted on October 30, 2022
Sunday, November 13th , we will have our monthly food drive for St. Mark’s Parish. Last July, St. Mark’s was consolidated with three other parishes who were not receiving food donations from sharing parishes. We continue to collect and deliver to [read more...]

Let’s Put Our Faith Into Action

Posted on October 28, 2022
Our next Faith into Action event will be held on Sunday, November 13. Families are invited to join us from 10:30-11:30 am in the OLW gym for… Service: Decorate placemats and make cards for nursing home residents Prayer: Praise God through [read more...]

Join Us for Friday Morning Bible Study

Posted on October 27, 2022
You are invited to attend Friday Morning Bible Study, back in the Cabrini Room of OLW Parish Center, for opening prayer at 9:30 am. Bible study also meets “live on-line” via Zoom, and welcomes homebound parishioners and participants outside our [read more...]

Three Cs for Coping with Grief    

Posted on October 27, 2022
For those who are grieving, special days such as holidays and anniversaries associated with the deceased can be especially hard. Acknowledging the challenge of facing these days does not make a potentially difficult time any easier, but preparing for them [read more...]