Tag Archive: #olw

Strategies for Perplexing Scripture Readings

Posted on November 10, 2023
Today’s Gospel reading about the ten virgins and their lamps is perplexing. There are some strategies to use for perplexing scripture readings, including context, characters, symbolic numbers and symbolic objects. Kathleen Miller also announced an upcoming Bible study about talents [read more...]

Let’s Put our Faith Into Action!

Posted on November 8, 2023
Our Lady of the Wayside’s Faith Into Action Ministry invites families of all ages to join us in the OLW School gym on Sunday, November 12, from 10:30 – 11:30 am as we put our faith in action. Service: Make blessing bags [read more...]

Make Life’s Seasons Count

Posted on November 6, 2023
Unlike other places in this country, Chicago has four seasons. We have a short springtime when everything comes alive and is fresh; the sun shines and life seems full of hope. When the summer comes, everyone is happy and ready [read more...]