Tag Archive: #olw

OLW School Opening Update (Part 2): Thank You!

Posted on September 1, 2020
The school administration and teachers worked tirelessly over the summer in preparation for this new school year. In addition to the curriculum and lesson plans, much was also done to prepare the building, classrooms, and school grounds. While we know [read more...]

Tootsie Roll Time! (Knights of Columbus Fundraiser)

Posted on September 1, 2020
It’s Tootsie Roll Time!  Time for the Knights of Columbus’ 2020 Intellectual Disability Fundraiser.  Visit www.kofc4483.org, call Scott Baxendale at 847-909-3723, or mail a check to the address below.  Your generosity is always much appreciated!

To Teach Who Christ Is Campaign Update

Posted on September 1, 2020
As many of you are aware, Our Lady of the Wayside launched the Archdiocese of Chicago’s To Teach Who Christ Is campaign in 2015.  For many of you, your five-year pledge commitment is coming to an end.  I thought now [read more...]

We Are Called to Love, Not to Judge

Posted on September 1, 2020
23rd Sunday of Ordinary Time – Year A The most important maxim in each country is justice. Justice regulates the law in each society, such that societal order depends on it. However, when we consider God’s law, we discover that [read more...]

Join Us For Friday Morning Bible Study

Posted on August 30, 2020
Zoom with OLW’s bible study group.  Enjoy fellowship and share insights on the bible. To receive the Zoom sign-in code, email biblestudy@olwparish.org.