Tag Archive: #olw

Opening our Doors Campaign Update (91%)

Posted on January 12, 2021
Sharing the latest on our “Opening Our Doors to the Future” fundraising campaign to modernize technology in our Church.  We’re almost there folks — the finish line is in sight!   We’re at 91% of goal, and an additional combined contribution [read more...]

Join Us For Friday Morning Bible Study

Posted on January 10, 2021
Zoom with OLW’s bible study group.  Enjoy fellowship and share insights on the bible. To receive the Zoom sign-in code, email biblestudy@olwparish.org.

Join Us For Friday Morning Bible Study

Posted on January 8, 2021
Zoom with OLW’s bible study group.  Enjoy fellowship and share insights on the bible. To receive the Zoom sign-in code, email biblestudy@olwparish.org.  

Proclaim the Word: Lector Training

Posted on January 8, 2021
To those interested in becoming a Lector at Our Lady of the Wayside, consider attending the Lector Training Workshop, sponsored by The Vicariate 1, Deanery ABC Ministry Commission. The workshop — open to Adults and Teens — will take place [read more...]