Tag Archive: #grief

Grief vs. Depression

Posted on October 31, 2023
Most people who are deeply grieving worry whether they are grieving “correctly.” If this is you, perhaps in your moments of deep sadness you wonder what the difference is between grief and depression. This may be compounded if others offer [read more...]

Healing Your Holiday Greif

Posted on December 5, 2022
If you could go back in time and relive a special holiday, which one would you choose? Close your eyes for a moment and think about this holiday. Now, slowly, walk through this memory in your mind. What made it [read more...]

Three Cs for Coping with Grief    

Posted on October 27, 2022
For those who are grieving, special days such as holidays and anniversaries associated with the deceased can be especially hard. Acknowledging the challenge of facing these days does not make a potentially difficult time any easier, but preparing for them [read more...]

How to Talk To a Child About Grief and Death

Posted on November 1, 2021
Death and the resulting grief is difficult for everyone. But how do adults support a child experiencing the loss of a loved one, especially if you, too, are processing loss? “Children grieve as we do when someone they love dies,” [read more...]

Holiday Greetings in These Difficult Times

Posted on December 1, 2020
Check the holiday card aisle in your favorite store. You’ll see “Happy Holidays!” and “Happy Hanukkah!” and “Merry Christmas!” – all messages of light and joy. Yet the holidays are not “happy” or “merry” for families who coped with death [read more...]