Tag Archive: #frmikeschmitz

Do I Have a Good Conscience?

Posted on February 7, 2023
Jiminy Cricket said “Always let your conscience be your guide,” but how do I know if I have a good conscience? A good conscience more often is concerned with our responsibilities than with our rights. It is more preoccupied with [read more...]

Begin With the End in Mind

Posted on January 4, 2023
What do I want to be true about me at the end of this year that is not currently true? At the beginning of this new year, Fr. Mike shares the advice of Stephen Covey: “Begin with the end in [read more...]

Christmas: A Time for HOPE

Posted on December 19, 2022
While many of us may become stressed out before Christmas and depressed afterwards—working hard to make the holiday perfect and burning out once it’s all “over”—the Light of the season can still shine through if we remember one thing. In [read more...]

What a Perfect YES Looks Like

Posted on December 13, 2022
“God will never ask you to do more than Mary did.” And what did Mary do? She said “yes” to the Angel Gabriel. Fr. Mike wants us to meditate on how we can learn to say “yes” to God from [read more...]

Preparing for Christmas

Posted on November 29, 2022
What is the best way to prepare for the season of Advent? You’re free to do what you know will help you prepare for Christmas the best. If decorating and so forth does not help you prepare for the coming [read more...]

Thanksgiving Special: Squanto

Posted on November 22, 2022
Do you know the story of Squanto? It could be seen as a prime example of a life filled with one tragedy after another. But in this special Thanksgiving video, Fr. Mike Schmitz offers a different perspective by showing how [read more...]

Can Anyone Count on You?

Posted on November 15, 2022
You’ve probably heard the phrase “cancel culture”—the phenomenon where public figures get “canceled” for something they say or do in an effort to silence them. Well, today, Fr. Mike proposes the existence of a new and rising cancel culture—a culture [read more...]

What Does God Want Me to Do?

Posted on November 9, 2022
Father Mike offers some clarity regarding God’s will in our lives. He directs us to the story of Israel’s desert wanderings in the Old Testament and the Annunciation to Mary in the Gospels, describing how even the tribes of Israel [read more...]

Do the Saints Suffer More?

Posted on November 2, 2022
Sometimes when we look at the lives of the Saints we can be tempted to think that God singled them out to suffer more than most. But maybe that suffering is actually a gift.. In this video, Fr. Mike shares [read more...]